Sunday, January 26, 2020

Rene Descartes And The Existence Of God Philosophy Essay

Rene Descartes And The Existence Of God Philosophy Essay In meditation III, Rene Descartes says that he is certain that imagination and perception do exist since they exist inside his mind as consciousness modes. However, Descartes says that he can never certain whether his perceptions and imaginations have any truth basis. He expounds on his argument about Gods existence from the discourse. Descartes analyzes his mind so as to know whether there exists anything that would let him make God up. Descartes realizes that he is finite compared to God who is infinite, perfect and all powerful. His argument says that its impossible for a being like him who is to dream about infinity and he thus concludes that the idea of infinite has to come prior to the idea of being finite or prior to any persons thought of what he or she is. The Argument There exist three kinds of ideas; innate ideas, factitious ideas and adventitious ideas. The innate ideas are those thoughts that are and have always been within us, the factitious or invented ideas on the other hand are the thoughts that arise from our imagination, while the adventitious ideas are the thoughts that arise from the world experiences. The idea of existence of God is an innate one and must have been placed inside us by a supernatural being that is, God. There is no way that the idea of Gods existence can be an invented one or an adventitious idea. Nothing comes from nothing, so everything must have come from something. The cause of any idea has to have leastwise much proper or formal reality as it has an intent or objective reality. Inside a person like me there exists an idea of a supernatural being referred to as God, and this is an infinite objective reality. As a human being who is finite, I cannot be the cause or origin of this idea, because I am not an infinite and am also not a perfect being. Another reason is that; as a person, I lack adequate formal reality and only an infinite and a perfect supernatural being is capable of causing such an idea. That is why, God, who is possess infinite objective reality must be in existence so as to be the source of my idea about God. Since in my idea, the supernatural being or God is absolutely perfect, he has to be a benevolent being. Benevolent beings do not lie and God being so, he would never mislead me and He would not allow me to error, and if I did, he would give me a way for me to correct my errors. For me to have any idea, first I have to exist, which I do and my existence has to have a cause or reason. The possible definitive causes of my existence can only be I or my always having been in existence, my parents who are some beings that are less perfect compared to God, and God Himself. This is a very valid argument because, if it was not, then I ought to have created myself, which I did not and if I created myself, I would have created myself being perfect. Since I was created, then I am a dependent being and thus, I have to be continuously sustained by another being that is more superior. Also, the idea in me that perfection exists, must have arisen from a perfect being, therefore God exists. Descartes argues that he has a perfect and trenchant thought of God. In a similar manner cogito is axiomatic, so is the existence of God, as his impeccable idea of an impeccable being could not have been brought about by anything to a lesser extent than an impeccable being. If an individual exists, then there must be a source for his or her being. Descartes talks about the likelihood that an individual is answerable for his or her being. He further argues that this cannot be a possibility because of the concept that if humans created themselves, in their own image, then, they would not have created all the lure, deception and sin that presently continues to trouble humanity. If humans created themselves, they would make themselves to exist without nuisance or suffering. The other argument that hints that God exists brings forth the idea that people have at all times existed. Descartes invalidates the argument since, an individuals existence presently cannot reflect that individuals previous existence. It is ignorant to presume that just because we have always existed, that it is an adequate explanation for our origin. Only a lazy philosopher can come up with such an argument and he must not have cared enough to dig for answers. Explaining the existence of God by mentioning an individuals parents, could have been done by a lazy philosopher who never researched for more answers. An individuals parents got their children to this world through the birth process which is an enough physical explanation on how human beings come to exist. Just as Descartes explains, there exists something beyond the assumption on the physical explanation of the existence of human being and that this explanation causes an infinite regress. This can be evident when one resear ches an individuals family tree one would keep on being referred to another parent and another parent and another parent. This could continue endlessly because human beings have existed for a very long time and thus it is okay to conclude that a human alone cannot be responsible for the existence of the entire human race. Also, if the tracking of individuals went back long enough, they would get to the Supreme Being who created Adam and Eve as they are known as the first parents. Descartes views that it is necessary to establish that there exists God and that he cannot be a cheat in so as to take away some of the basis for doubt (36). Descartes argues that the historically acknowledged cosmological argument is itself is misleadingly simple, but it depends upon a set of eminences and terms. So when one misleads an individual other than oneself, it is being done for the sole purpose of gaining in ones own interest. God is all knowing, the creator of all things and is in control of everything that has happened in the past and things that will occur in the future. For those very reasons there is no reason from him to deceive anyone because there is nothing more for him to gain. (32) Humans fall into error because of our souls. If our souls are the source of light and matter is the source of evil. Then a being like God evil demon- would be just as equal as our evil genius. These could make him believe that what he grasps clearly and distinctly is true when in rea lity; there is no truth about it. Descartes argues about res extensa as well as res cognitans. He says of himself as a thinking being and further says that res cognitans can come into being because if a pair of trenchant things can be formed, res cognitans can be formed individually from an essence, and that essence is the res extensa. On the other hand, the material constituent is the crux of the res cognitans. Most probably the mind is well off with an extension or esence. Res extensa is a thing of extension since it is res cognitans place. The evidences for the being of God are determined by distinguishing res cognitans from res extensa. Normally, God does not possess res extensa but possesses a soul that is worth to be the creator and origin of other lives, and the all caring and loving being. At some stages, res extensa or extension assists res cognitans, but it usually happens that res cognitans independently exists. When a person dies from this universe the res cognitans is conveyed to a different universe as the res extensa is not alive and it encounters little or nothing or does nothing. Thence, the constructs of res cognitans and res extensa evidently winds up the best proof that God exists; Rene Descartes is successful in proving the existence of God.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Reflection of the Film’s Every Child Is Special Essay

We all know that there’s a difference between special children and normal children but both have similarities. For instance, they both have talents and perspective towards life. They can play and have fun in their own. Both need attention and discipline from their parents to avoid any misconception while they are growing and guide them from learning. Special children need more attention and extra help to develop their social skills. Parents must be extra careful with their special children because they have special needs to be attended. Also, they need to be understood by their family and everyone around them to gain more confidence about themselves and can interact well. On the other hand, normal children can develop their social skills on their own and can gain friends. They can play with another child and gradually learning to share and take turns. They can join in groups and enjoy group experiences. Their needs are easily observe and directly accommodated but still need gu idance. These children are part of the society, whether they have disabilities or just normal ones and they must be respected. see more:every child is special reflection Every one of us has rights in the society we are in and that includes them. They have the right to choose whoever they want to become and whatever they want to do but with a proper given guidance and attention. The happiness and joy they brought will never be unmatchable especially to their parents. The story of the film Every Child is Special is a kid suffering from dyslexia and with the help of an understanding teacher he overcomes it against all odd. There’s a scene when the protagonist runs away from school and loiters on the road for the whole day for the fear of being punished for not having done his homework. It never happened to me and I never did a thing like that in school but I didn’t say that I’m not lazy rather than I’m not like the protagonist of the story who runs away and would not do anything. The comparison might not be warranted but this is just one of those scenes which made me realize the importance of guidance and understanding of parents. Unlike the protagonist who suffered from learning disabilities such as reading because for him the letters are dancing, his writing don’t match the right spelling of words and dealing with numbers with difficulty, I learned quite fast and I also helped myself from learning the things that must be learned while in starting years in school. In spite of his learning disabilities, there’s a person who willingly teaches him and knows best for him because of his illness. His new art teacher, also a teacher of a child school with disabilities found out the reasons why he’s not active and always down.

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Academic Nature and Standards of School

It could be said the A. S. Neill began the reformation of liberal education when he founded Summerhill Free School in 1921. The academic nature was opposite of a standard school where students have a variety of classes that they are expected to attend. The voluntary attendance, absence of order as well as adult authority are just a few things that characterize Summerhill. Students are expected to gain more of an educational wealth by learning basic concepts of self-esteem, tolerance, integrity, fairness, and understanding rather than math quations and science functions. Because Summerhill is so popular and unique, it has received enormous amounts of criticism. Consequently, the Free School has been a victim to numerous According to Kristi Ruark from the website Summerhill School, Neill was just the fourth of 13 children, grew up under the stern hand of his schoolmaster father who ran his classroom with an iron rod (Ruark). Neil believed he could expand his pupils minds and horizons by providing a comfortable learning atmosphere where students can learn what they are interested in ompared to fixed schedules and classes. At the age of twenty-five, Neill went to Edinburgh University and took a degree in English. Afterwards he became a journalist, and later head of a small school in Gretna Green. Here, he began to compose his first book, A Dominie's Log, and form his ideas on freedom for children. After a year in the school he wrote: â€Å"I have converted a hard-working school into a playground, and I rejoice. These brains have had a year of happiness and liberty. They have done what they liked; they have sung their songs while they were orking at graphs, they have eaten their sweets while they read their books, they have hung on my arms as we rambled along in search of artistic corners (Neil p. 88) . † By 1927, Neil had moved to a city in southern England where he, along with the help of his second wife, Ena, ran Summerhill until Neil's death in 1973 and Ena's retirement in 1985. Zoe Readhead, daughter of A. S. Neill, was left with no other choice but to continue running In a recent interview with Zoe Readhead, Jerry Doe raised the question of advantages to optional class attendance. Readhead then explained how it doesn't destroy your love for learning and how the things you do, you do because you want to do them. She then goes on to state â€Å"you can't have a friendly relationship with somebody and then force them to go to a class they don't want to go to (Martin). † Further along in the interview Readhead discusses the conflicts between Summerhill and the Educational Department that could result in a termination. Due to the release of the self-titled book about Free School Movement in the 60's, Summerhill was emerging. Even though, the school was receiving tremendous criticism about the lack of management in the classroom and skills that the young students obtain. The clause â€Å"Letting them (the students) do what they want will eventually result in effective learning† was not widely accepted. The HMI inspectors said it was totally unacceptable for children at the age of nine not to be able to read or write. Readhead's response to this was â€Å"If they don't want to go to class and they don't want to learn to read or write, then that's fine with us (Martin). According to John Gummer, MP, â€Å"People should have the right to decide on the education that they like for their children† (Summerhill). However, like her father, Zoe Readhead believes the Summerhill staff can educate a well-rounded student based on creative works rather than rigid discipline and formal pedagogy. The emphasis is still the same today as when Summerhill was established. The schools operate with few constraints on students or teachers, so students are free to plan and execute their own learning experiences, thus developing self discipline and responsibility. In turn, parents seem guided by Neill's philosophy and a concern that public schools were not meeting their children's needs. Like many alternative or free schools, Summerhill is small with a total enrollment of fewer than sixty along with a limited number of teachers. Summerhill and freedom are two word that fit harmoniously in a sentence. The phrase â€Å"freedom but not license† was coined by Neill. This basically meant that you are free to do as you wish just as long as you don't interfere with someone else's freedom. This independence allows the students to be self-motivated so learning is natural and enjoyable. They mature and become socially responsible without being taught moral values. Also, the freedom creates self respect for the children. They will know what they think is important so others will listen in addition to a tight wavelength bond between the two. Summerhill has now been running successfully for over seventy-five years. The school is first and foremost a place where children can learn at their own pace and maintain self-direction. It's gave children a happy learning environment, time to develop naturally, but most importantly, power over their own lives.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

marketing - 1904 Words

Title: Better by the Circle? The dynamic effect on the Marketing Concept. Abstract The marketing concept is an overarching concept that links the philosophies, practices and theories of marketing. It closely examines an organisations ability to analyse the needs of the customer and make informed decisions based on these needs. These decisions are based on evidence and work towards matching the organisations capabilities and the customer needs, ultimately, to satisfy both the organisation and the customer. Introduction The evolution on marketing dates back to the Neolithic revolution approximately 12,000 years ago. A classic definition of marketing is â€Å"The human activity directed at satisfying needs and wants through the exchange†¦show more content†¦Satisfaction Satisfaction is a key sub concept within the circle of satisfaction as it relates closely to many other areas and is the core principle of marketing. Satisfaction in relation to the circle of satisfaction and more importantly the marketing concept can be viewed from two levels, transactional satisfaction and cumulative satisfaction. Transactional satisfaction relates to the interaction between the customer and the organisation and is can be often the only form or satisfaction that some marketers refer to, however cumulative satisfaction is a more in depth concept of satisfaction as it leads on from transactional satisfaction. Cumulative satisfaction is an evaluation of satisfaction on behalf of the customer over a longer period of time. It examines the customer’s subjective needs consistently over time which results in outcomes relating to loyalty and trust. This can be further highlighted through the below diagram extracted from slideshow (Fanning,2014,p.33). A journal article which researches service equity, satisfaction and loyalty by Johnson and Olsen (2003). is an informative article through the use of different research models and study which culminates in an understanding that cumulative evaluations are an important measure of customer loyalty. Hence management that closely examines cumulative satisfaction has a better understanding of improvement for the customerShow MoreRelatedMarketing Analysis : Marketing And Marketing966 Words   |  4 Pagesreflect back over these last five weeks I now have a clearer view of marketing and how it affects not just the consumers of the world and the companies with their marketing managers, but how it affects me. Yes, I am a consumer who clips coupons, budgets my finances, and looks for sale items and this marketing class has taught me that marketing is more than selling or advertising. 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